What Is TMG? This Powerful Methyl Donor Packs A Punch

What Is TMG? This Powerful Methyl Donor Packs A Punch

TMG, or trimethylglycine, is a natural compound in the body that consists of glycine with three methyl groups. As a dietary supplement, TMG is often utilised to simplify the enhancement of athletic performance and promote heart and liver health.

One of the primary roles of TMG is to facilitate a crucial chemical process known as methylation, which is vital for the production of DNA. Moreover, TMG plays a significant role in converting homocysteine, a specific type of amino acid responsible for building proteins, into methionine, another compound with various benefits. This conversion is particularly advantageous as elevated homocysteine levels can harm blood vessels and increase the risk of heart disease.

In summary, TMG is a compound that simplifies important bodily processes, supports DNA production, and aids in converting harmful homocysteine into beneficial methionine.

What Are The Benefits Of This Powerful Methyl Doner?

Enhanced Athletic Performance

TMG has been reported to improve exercise performance by supporting energy production, as suggested in this 14-week randomized controlled trial

Results from the trial on the TMG supplement showed significant group x time interactions for various performance metrics. These included maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max), anaerobic peak power, and muscular strength, which all favoured the BG group at P2 and P3 compared to P1. Additionally, meaningful (p < 0.05) group x time interactions were observed for countermovement jump (CMJ), sprint performance (SpT), and peak power during the repeated anaerobic sprint test (RAST), also favouring the BG group.

In conclusion, the 14-week betaine supplementation had notable benefits for professional soccer players. It led to improvements in predicted 1-RM, VO2 max, and repeated sprint ability performance. This suggests that betaine supplementation can be a valuable nutritional strategy to enhance and sustain performance during a competitive soccer season.

These findings are especially encouraging when paired with Resveratrol as this has also been shown to increase athletic performance.

Cardiovascular Health

TMG aids in reducing levels of homocysteine, an amino acid associated with cardiovascular problems. By converting homocysteine into methionine, TMG promotes heart health and helps maintain healthy blood vessels, reducing the risk of heart disease.

This is especially important as of writing as heart disease remains one of the biggest killers, and sadly many deaths are preventable.

As this study shows, even at a Low dose TMG supplementation leads to immediate and a long-term lowering of plasma homocysteine in healthy men and women

Liver Health Support

One thing that many don't know is that TMG has hepatoprotective properties, meaning it helps protect and support liver function. It can assist in detoxification processes and promote overall liver health. As shown in this study

DNA Production

As we've discussed at great length, TMG is involved in the process of methylation, which is essential for DNA synthesis. It contributes to proper DNA production and maintenance by supporting this chemical process.

Cognitive Function

A research involving 193 elderly individuals revealed that administering cobalamin supplements resulted in elevated TMG blood levels. This increase in TMG was associated with notable enhancements in response time, memory, and overall brain function. Notably, those participants who experienced the greatest rise in TMG levels also displayed the most significant memory improvements. However, further clinical trials are necessary to corroborate these findings.

Moreover, TMG is currently under investigation as a potential treatment for various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease.

Anti-inflammatory Effects

As this study suggests, It can help reduce inflammation in various diseases by ameliorating sulphur amino acid metabolism against oxidative stress, inhibiting nuclear factor-κB activity and NLRP3 inflammasome activation, and mitigating endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis.

These anti-inflammatory actions make TMG a potentially beneficial treatment for conditions where inflammation plays a significant role, such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease, as we've discussed above.

It is important to note that many of these studies are ongoing and it's not yet been found to be a direct treatment for any of these yet.

Why TMG Helps With NMN (And Why Some People Need It)

Methylation without getting too sciency is where these small molecules called methyl groups get added to DNA, proteins and other molecules. It can then signal to turn certain genes on and off. In the context of NMN, when NMN is converted to NAD, nicotinamide (NAM) is formed. Too much NAM can cause things like fatigue, lightheadedness and affect our sleep. 

So, in order for our bodies to get rid of it, we need to methylate NAM into N-methyl nicotinamide, so it can be excreted (in our urine).Thing is, an enzyme called MTHFR is needed for methylation and it’s this enzyme that can, in technical terms, have a ‘mutation’. Around 5-15% of all of us have the double mutation, meaning our bodies aren’t methylating quite as they should be. For those folks, the MTHFR enzyme function is around 30% that of normal.

The good news is for anyone who feels fatigued and tired after taking NMN (you experience this pretty quickly if you fall into this bucket), you can simply take a B vitamin complex, Berocca, or TMG (which we offer), all of which are ‘methyl donors’ and give the body sufficient methyl groups to convert NAM, have it excreted, leaving us with all the benefits of NMN and none of the bad stuff.

How Long Does It Take For TMG To Work?

The time it takes for TMG (trimethylglycine) to work can vary depending on several factors, including individual physiology, dosage, and the specific health goals being targeted. It is essential to note that TMG is not an immediate-acting supplement, and its effects may require consistent use over a period of time.

In some cases, individuals may start experiencing certain benefits within a few days of regular TMG supplementation. These benefits can include improved exercise performance, reduced homocysteine levels, and potential enhancements in liver function.

But each person is different, and based on the studies many took weeks or even over a month to see the benefits, especially for athletic performance. 

The most important thing was consistency. 

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